Return to classes if Government dates do not change for spirit combat and kickboxing

Following the Government guidance on the road map of leaving lock downs the guidance is as follows returning to classes and hopefully contact classes again.

29th March we could start outdoor classes, must be socially distanced.

12th April- indoor children’s classes can return (also child and parent classes up to 15 adults). Must be socially distanced, no partner or pad work.

17th May- adults can return to indoor classes, must be socially distanced, no partner or pad work.

21st June- return to contact classes is thought at the moment.

This is guidance from numerous martial arts governing bodies and their safeguarding leads.

So, my thoughts are as following

Spirit Combat returns from April outside at the cricket fields in Bere Alston until the week of the 12th when the Children can return indoors and then adults will carry on outside until week of the 17th May.

Kickboxing we will train outside in Tavistock venue (thinking up by the pimple) to be confirmed until 17th may then we should be returning to Tavistock College indoors. Once I know what my fa tutoring future is on the 30th April, we may end up moving kickboxing to a Monday, Tuesday or Wednesday or add another night.

My plan for both clubs is to have seminars/master classes running at weekends from July for anyone that’s interested in topics such as;

  • Ring craft
  • Throws and take downs, with counters
  • Locks, with counters
  • Blocking,
  • Edged weapons
  • Close quarter combat
  • Modern Aikido levels 1 and 2
  • Injury prevention in martial arts
  • Kobotans
  • Weapons (bo, sai, escrema, nunchu, broken)
  • Self-defence (qualifications also available)


Some sessions will be age related

So, thoughts on outdoor classes until indoor ones can be started would be appreciated. Feel free to message me on 07773863518 or email

Updates class schedule for 2018

An update on classes in 2018 for all current and future students.

Tuesday Nights Bere Alston Primary School

5 – 13 years 5-6pm Spirit Combat

Thursday Nights Bere Alston Parish Hall

5-13 years 6-7pm Spirit Combat

14 years upwards 7-8pm Spirit Combat

Women’s Self-Defence Classes 8-9pm

Friday Nights Tavistock Community College Gymnasium

7 years upwards Kickboxing 7.35-9pm

Hope to see everyone in classes soon

National Guilford Fight day

On Friday 24th November a number of the South West Kickboxing Academy (SWKA) club based in Tavistock travelled up to Guilford for a national fight day. We lost one fighter earlier in the week with Nathan having to pull out of the British Kickboxing Union (BKBU) Under18’s title.

We did have one student competing on the day with young Peter getting into the ring for the 2nd time. Peter put on a much improved performance and suffered an narrow loss in his bout.

Other SWKA students who travelled up helped out with refereeing, and Judging on the day and with Head Coach Steve Lilley passing his 5th Dan in Kickboxing.

Day time availability for 1-2-1 and small group sessions

We have some spaces during the days between mid October and December for private sessions on a 1-2-1 basis or in small groups for Martial Arts and Self-Defence Sessions. We can arrange a venue if needed in the Devon/Cornwall Area.

Sessions can include;




Modern Aikido

Spirit Combat

Fight Prep for ring bouts

If you feel that a smaller group session would be best for you then please feel free to email us on or call us on 07773863518 and we will book you in for your session/s.

January 2016 Student of the Month Jamie Pollard

The first Student of the Month award for 2016, was won in January by Jamie Pollard. Jamie started training with us, partly because his 3 children do and wanted to join in and help them with their training at home.

Jamie’s Eldest Son Nathan competes in the ring in both Kickboxing and Boxing. Jamie has fitted in well and worked hard in class, looking to learn but understand what we teach and how to use it most.

Jamie is also looking to be part of his son Nathan’s fight team.

End of 2015 SWKA Awards

The 18th December 2015, was the last South West Kickboxing Academy and Martial Arts (SWKA) class for 2015. It resulted in the end of a years hard work and commitment for students and coaches. 4th Dan Head Coach Steve Lilley ” All students have worked very hard and made great progress and on the last session of the year we like to draw attention to those who have made great progress”. “It’s also the time I can thank my coaching team who support me for all their hard work, so I’d like to thank 2nd Dan Chris Morgan and 1st Dan Matt Lake.”

The December last sessions results in Decembers Student of the Month being won, which was awarded to Peter Walters-Fox, for his efforts in December. We then came on to the Most Improved Student of the Year, which had 3-4 candidates in the running. It was Won by Nathan Pollard, who has had an amazing year in his training. He’s now helping out in classes, and started competing in the ring. Nathen was narrowly beaten to Student of the Year by his sister Courtney Pollard, who is our youngest student. Her infection enthusiasm to, her training and always willing to try and work hard in class is fantastic. She’s always ready for class hours before training and practices hard at home with her older brothers.

Steve would like to thank all those who have supported the club this year, and thank Tavistock Community Sports Centre’s team for the use of their faculties. We do have space for new starters in January, and those with or without Martial Arts Experience wanting to come along are most welcome from Friday 8th December 7.35-9pm in the Gymnasium . You can contact Steve for more details on 07773863518 or email or visit for more details.

Young Nathen Star’s in his first kickboxing bout in Guildford

Local buy Nathen Pollard from Tavistock who trains with the South West Kickboxing Academy and Martial Arts (SWKA) and Tavistock ABC went up to London to complete in the MAAS Championships.

Nathen who’s been training since the age of 11 in kickboxing , with a short break before returning in March this year, entered the ring for the first time to complete as a kickboxer aged 14. Getting in the ring is a big challenge for everyone, but Nathen’s commitment to his training has been fantastic since he returned in March, a bit taller and older.  The MAAS Championships attendance, was a big ask with Nathen’s family traveling up to Guilford for the event on Friday Night before completing on the Saturday. Nathen younger Brother Joshua who also trains with the SWKA, got to witness what it’s like on the day and now needs to decide if he wants to follow in Nathen’s footsteps and enter the ring in 2016.

Nathen fought well in his bout and drew great reviews from all the coaches who witnessed Nathen fight. Nathen was one of the stand out performers on the day. Nathen is now being considered for a British Title fight in 2016. Nathen controlled his fight well with quick hand speed and use of the ring, which challenged his opponent who just wanted to stand in the middle of the ring and stand toe-to-toe, however, Nathen used the ring to his advantage.

Both Nathen Dad Jamie and SWKA Head Coach Steve Lilley 4th Dan, were very proud of Nathen’s performance. Steve said “ Nathen’s performance was one of years of experience in the ring, he listened well and followed the game plan. We have work to do to be prepared for a future title fight in 2016 and need to get Nathen some more ring experience.”

Where hoping that in 2016 Nathen can bring back a British title to Tavistock. For anyone who wishes to give kickboxing a try or wanting to get involved in martial arts or looking to complete. Then please contact Steve on 07773863518, email or visit If you wish you can just come along one Friday night 7.35-9pm at Tavistock College in the gymnasium.